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Social Media Videos

I am a content creator who has been writing, filming, producing, and editing social media videos since 2021

My social media account, 你的女孩RayRay (Your girl Ray Ray) is targeted at 18-to-24-years-old women based in top-tier Chinese cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. My content includes podcast-style discussions on body image, feminine hygiene, sexual harassment, and other self-care and women-empowerment-related topics. Recently I have been uploading vertical content about studying abroad and intercultural communication as well.

My main channel is on RED, one of the most popular Chinese social media platforms, where I have 25k+ followers. I have 13k+ followers on Bilibili (a Chinese streaming platform, similar to YouTube). My videos have gained more than 8 million views collectively.

I am in the process of uploading and translating my content into English to expand my audience.

The videos shown below are some of my early videos. Most of them are in Chinese but I have added subtitles to the ones below

If you are interested in my other content (in Chinese), please look at my RED and Bilibili account @你的女孩RayRay. You can also find the links to all my socials at the bottom of this page.


I strongly recommend you take a look at my RED account using the translation from your browser because I have more updated brand partnership videos there. RED is also the platform where I got the least censorship so it has more content than any other platforms I am using.



instagram ➭ @itsrachelyu Bilibili ➭ @你的女孩RayRay 小红书 ➭ @你的女孩RayRay email ➭ If you need some inspiration for your self-care routine but you are short on budget, this is the video for you! I believe all the best things in life are free, so is happiness. It may not cost you even a penny to do some self-care that makes you feel good and charges you up. Many of the ideas were actually inspired by my therapist who gave me a list of 88 self care ideas. I picked some practical and inexpensive ones that I find useful. Go check them out in the video! 00:00 Intro 00:35 Read something from a book 01:50 Watch funny and lighthearted movies / tiktoks 02:36 Turn on the speaker, play some music, sing, and move to the beat 03:33 Hug someone you love or a beloved pet 04:53 Do some stretching 05:57 Keep track of things that make you happy 06:28 Make breakfast while listening to a podcast 07:42 Watch a sunrise or sunset 08:23 Go for a bike ride 09:22 Keep a journal for quotations that inspire you 09:49 Enjoy a mid-day nap 10:12 Watch videos of cute animals 10:38 Plan a surprise for someone who deserves it 11:23 Declutter a room 12:36 Listen to guided meditation audio 13:00 Outro there will be more videos coming up every week stay tuned! :) This video is not sponsored. If you have some serious mental health issue please consult a professional doctor or a therapist. This video is just my personal suggestions. They may not work for everyone.
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©2023 by Rachel Yu.

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